肽 YY(PYY)由位于空肠、回肠和结肠的L细胞产生,食物摄取(主要是脂肪)能刺激 PYY 的分泌。在消化道、胰腺和中枢神经系统中至少有五种不同的 GPCR 家族的Y受体亚型(Y1、Y2、Y4、Y5、Y6)均为肽 YY 受体。肽 YY 的主要功能是减少食物摄入,抑制胃排空和分泌,抑制肠道运动和电解质、胰腺分泌。 展开2023年10月9日 这是一篇介绍PP家族肽的文章,包括胰多肽、肽YY和神经肽Y的分子形式、组织分布和生物活性。文章还讨论了这些肽在肠道、胰腺、中枢神经系统和外周神经 胰多肽、肽YY和神经肽Y UpToDate
2023年8月8日 YY肽(PYY)是一种由肠内分泌细胞(ECC)表达和分泌的肠道激素,通过产生饱腹感来控制食欲。 而这项最新研究发现,肠道特异性潘氏细胞(Paneth Cell)也 本文介绍了肽YY (PYY)的结构,生物学作用,以及在胃肠道疾病中的临床意义肽YY是一种由胃肠道内分泌细胞分泌的肽类激素,能调节血管,胰腺,胃肠等功能肽YY:一种新的胃肠道激素 百度学术
PYY Gene GeneCards PYY Protein PYY
2024年4月3日 PYY (Peptide YY) is a Protein Coding gene Diseases associated with PYY include NAcetylglutamate Synthase Deficiency and Anorexia NervosaAmong its related pathways are GPCR downstream Peptide YY (PYY) is a 36aminoacid gut hormone released by L cells of the ileum/colon in proportion to ingested calories PYY is functionally related to NPY and binds to the Y family of receptors, Y1R–Y6R Most circulating PYY is the truncated form, PYY 3–36, a cleavage product yielded by dipeptidyl peptidase IV PYY is a putative satiety Peptide YY an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Peptide YY (PYY) SpringerLink
2022年11月25日 Peptide YY (PYY) is a 36amino acid peptide encoded by the PYY gene, first discovered in 1982 when it was isolated from porcine intestinal tissue (Takemoto 1982) Features PYY is mainly produced by endocrine Lcells of the distal ileum and colon (Fig 1) and is released postprandially in response to food ingestion2007年10月14日 a, Plasma PYY concentrations during saline (blue circles) and PYY infusion (red squares) study daysThe open box represents baseline 10min saline infusion; the grey box indicates subsequent 90 PYY modulation of cortical and hypothalamic brain areas
Inhibition of Food Intake in Obese Subjects by
2003年9月4日 PYY appears to be a major factor limiting appetite after meals 17,18 If obesity is the cause of low levels of circulating PYY, impaired postprandial satiety signaling would result, leading to 2009年1月1日 Circulating PYY PYY is released from the gut into the circulation in a nutrientdependent manner PYY levels are low in the fasting state, rapidly increase in response to food intake, reach a peak at 1–2 h after a meal and then remain elevated for several hours (Adrian et al 1985)In response to food intake PYY levels increase within The role of peptide YY in appetite regulation and obesity
知乎专栏 随心写作,自由表达 知乎
2020年1月22日 PYY is a 36amino acid peptide mainly released from specialized enteroendocrine Lcells found in the distal gastrointestinal tract Two main endogenous forms of PYY have been identified, PYY (136) and PYY (336), the latter being the predominant circulating form The ubiquitously expressed proteolytic enzyme dipeptidyl PYY, a Therapeutic Option for Type 2 Diabetes? PMC
Gut Hormones and Appetite Control: A Focus on PYY and
2012年6月1日 PYY 336 acts mainly via theY 2 receptor 31 Indeed, PYY 336 selectivity for the Y 2 receptor is thought to be conferred by cleavage of the TyrPro amino terminal residues of PYY 136 31 In the fasted state, PYY 136 predominates in the circulation, whereas postprandially, PYY 336 is the major circulating form 32 Following a meal 2021年10月27日 Peptide YY (PYY 136) is a 36 amino acid peptide that is coreleased with GLP1 from the Lcells in the distal gut in response to ingestion of nutrients 1,2 and is part of a family of peptides The effect of fatty diacid acylation of human PYY
Peptide YY [336] an overview ScienceDirect Topics
PYY Louise Purtell, Herbert Herzog, in Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides (Second Edition), 2013 Appetite and Food Intake PYY is an important modulator of appetite, feeding behavior, and body weight homeostasis Importantly, the two circulating forms of PYY, PYY 136 and PYY 336, can both act through the Y2 receptor to induce satietyThus, the 摘要 摘要: 食欲调节肽是一类能够调节食欲的多肽,主要分布在胃肠道、脂肪组织等外周组织以及下丘脑中,按其作用机理的不同,可分为正向调节食欲肽和负向调节食欲肽。 下丘脑在食欲调节的过程中扮演了重要角色,其与胃肠道、脂肪组织等外周组织的 食欲调节肽的作用机制及研究现状
The gut hormone peptide YY regulates appetite PubMed
The peak PYY (336) level achieved is proportional to the calories ingested, suggesting that PYY (336) may signal food ingestion from the gut to appetiteregulating circuits within the brain We found that peripheral administration of PYY (336) inhibited food intake in rodents and increased CFos immunoreactivity in the arcuate nucleus2018年1月8日 与 PYY 基因表达的 SCFA 依赖性升高一致,我们还观察到增加的基础和刺激的 PYY 激素分泌。有趣的是,PYY 的转录刺激对人源细胞模型具有特异性,并且不会在鼠原代培养物中复制。这可能是由于小鼠和人类之间 PYY 基因结构的显着差异。SCFA 强烈刺激人肠内分泌细胞中 PYY 的产生。,Scientific
2023年8月9日 肽YY(PYY),也称为肽酪氨酸酪氨酸,是一种 在人类中由PYY基因编码的肽,肽 YY 是一种从回肠和结肠的细胞中释放的短 (36氨基酸) 肽。 一般在血液、肠道和血管外周,PYY 的作用是降低食欲; 此外,通过 将PYY直接注射到中枢神经系统中时,PYY也可以降低食欲。2024年4月3日 PYY (Peptide YY) is a Protein Coding gene Diseases associated with PYY include NAcetylglutamate Synthase Deficiency and Anorexia NervosaAmong its related pathways are GPCR downstream PYY Gene GeneCards PYY Protein PYY
Peptide YY an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Peptide YY (PYY) is a 36aminoacid gut hormone released by L cells of the ileum/colon in proportion to ingested calories PYY is functionally related to NPY and binds to the Y family of receptors, Y1R–Y6R Most circulating PYY is the truncated form, PYY 3–36, a cleavage product yielded by dipeptidyl peptidase IV PYY is a putative satiety 2022年11月25日 Peptide YY (PYY) is a 36amino acid peptide encoded by the PYY gene, first discovered in 1982 when it was isolated from porcine intestinal tissue (Takemoto 1982) Features PYY is mainly produced by endocrine Lcells of the distal ileum and colon (Fig 1) and is released postprandially in response to food ingestionPeptide YY (PYY) SpringerLink
PYY modulation of cortical and hypothalamic brain areas
2007年10月14日 a, Plasma PYY concentrations during saline (blue circles) and PYY infusion (red squares) study daysThe open box represents baseline 10min saline infusion; the grey box indicates subsequent 90